Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day with Dibbs!

Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. -- Cindy Lew

This week I got to spend a day with my good friend Sarah Dibbern (Dibbs). This hang out time was greatly anticipated since I had only seen said lady once since the end of May. During our time apart, Sarah carefully constructed a list of things that her and I would be doing during my time here in MN.
Dibbs with "the list"
With the list in mind, we set out on our little day of adventure. First, we set off to do some shopping. She introduced me to a store named Charming Charlie. LOVE! It's this incredible jewelry store where the jewelry is all separated by color with all the handbags, belts, and other necessary accessories to match. Heaven on Earth I tell ya! After some more shopping, a run in with another great friend from college, and forcing Sarah to humor me and take some goofy pictures...
Yay Sarah!
...we were off to go ice skating in St. Paul. Yippee! As a child, I always had dreams of being a figure skater. On the lake behind our home, we would always clear off a spot to go skating. And while my brothers were off snowmobiling or making snow forts, I was busy daydreaming about skating for Olympic Gold with the likes of Kristy Yamaguchi and Michelle Kwan. So, needless to say, I was so excited to relive my childhood dreams.
 However, it had been quite some time since I had been on ice skates and although at one time I was very sure of myself on skates, I was certain this ice skating experience was going to be a shaky one at best. We went to the outdoor rink by the Landmark Center and for only $2 it was a pretty great way to spend the afternoon.
Landmark Center in St Paul, MN
Story time: While waiting in line to rent our skates, Sarah spots this guy that she had a crush on all summer. I, not knowing who the fella was, asked her to point him out to me so I could be on the look out. "The one with the black hat and coat, over there by his family." "Okay. Got it." I was thinking that a little rendezvous on a skating rink made for a pretty great story, a "Meet Cute" if you will. (for more details on a "meet cute", watch the movie The Holiday) Sarah, on the other hand, was not having it. She did all that she could to try and stay away from this guy. I threatened her that I was going to shout her name every time he skated by me, but after she pleaded with me that I keep my mouth shut, I respected her wishes. Later on when we decided to retire for the evening - fall-free I will have you know - we were about to walk out of the warming house when... dun dun dun...her crush appears! FINALLY! He greeted her with a sincere enthusiasm, and I merely stood back and observed. But the one thing I finally noticed was that the guy she was talking to WAS NOT the guy I thought she pointed out. This entire time I thought her crush was some other guy in a black hat and coat skating around with his family. Wing-man fail! Sorry Sarah! But after a nice little chat with her crush, Sarah and I left to round off our evening with a nice dinner.

All in all it was a great day with Miss Dibbern and I am thankful for the time I got to spend with her. Dibbs, remember you are always welcome to come visit me in North Carolina. Love you!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays

Officially survived another holiday season. The evidence of it being a grand one is proven in the necessity of a good workout or ten. And of course, Minnesota delivered another white Christmas without fail. However, as grand as it may have been, I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad it was over. Now don't call me a grinch, but I haven't been the biggest fan of Christmas for quite some time. Big supporter of the meaning and purpose of Christmas, but for so many years it meant encountering family members I didn't have such an exciting past with. Christmas for me is usually survived with the continual consumption of wine.
My holiday survival kit
And now with both my older brothers married, Christmas is changing even more. But there were some great things that took place this Christmas. My little niece Abby celebrated her first Christmas. Why it is so entertaining to watch little kids open up Christmas gifts, I don't know, but it is. And why we even get little kids gifts to begin with is beyond me. They are so enamored by wrapping paper alone!

Abby's First Christmas
By far my favorite part of the holiday is watching Christmas movies with the fam. Elf is a must. And, I introduced my parents to It's a Wonderful Life this year. Can't believe we all hadn't seen it until this year. SLACKERS! Now it's time to look forward to the New Year and celebrating that with another wedding. Woot woot! Well, from snowy Minnesota, Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Days gone by...

Tonight I went back to my high school to watch my former gymnastics team compete. Let me tell was very strange. During my high school days, I used to live in that building. I spent so many years staying at school from at least 7am to 7pm with college classes, jazz band, or one of my four sports I participated in. So tonight, as I wandered down the halls, I tried to remember as best as I could where my old lockers were, which classrooms I had class in, and which teachers were still there.

I walked towards the gym to find one of my teachers who was at the basketball game and it even smelt the same as it did seven years ago. Believe me, I know. I spent far too much time in the gym and locker room in high school. While I was sitting in the gym watching the game, I had flashbacks from when I had to do boards for volleyball (taking a foot long 2 x4 that is covered with carpet and pushing it from base line to base line with your hands and feet over and over and over again...nasty things, great for your butt) high school dances, band concerts, pep rallies,  prom proms (confession...I went to prom 5 times). Even though I graduated seven years ago, (wow, I now feel old, thank you very much) it all came rushing back. Sometimes it's hard to believe that such a small place had such a large impact on who I am today. I loved high school. No way in hell I would ever want to go back! But my time there was great. So here is some residual school spirit....GO IRISH!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ladies of ICS 05

Five years ago, 10 other ladies and I traveled to Europe and Africa with Northwestern College for the Intercultural Studies Internship (ICS). Before we left for the trip, we were a bunch of perfect strangers. We had no way of knowing that those two months overseas would cause us to be life-long friends.

The ladies at a lake in South Africa
Since the trip, even though life has often separated us by land and sea, we always do what we can to get together and catch up on life. This past weekend we had another holiday rendezvous and it was so good to see these girls! Having a few "type A's" in our group, we all take our turn sharing where life has brought us over the year. Here's the low down on the ladies of ICS 05.

Warming up in Petris, Romania
Tina is back from her year in Honduras and is currently working at what sounds to be the most dysfunctional alternative school that Minneapolis has to offer. (stay strong Tina!!)  Katrina has just sent in her paperwork to get a visa to head back to Spain. Beebs and her husband Steve (the man who shaved a dragon into his chest hair on the trip) moved up to Duluth, MN as Steve starts med school.

Getting ready for the day outside our "hotel" in Mozambique
 Megan is either going to the West Coast to study counseling or going to Australia for ethnomusicology (the latter could happen within the next two weeks). Emily has bought a house and her and Liz are starting their own business. Jorgen is onto her second year of grad school and is looking to purchase a condo (if she can find something as fabulous as her!) Kristina met a man and got married within the last year. And, Betsy and KJ both had their third child. So much has happened for all of us over the past five years, and it's hard to believe that through moments like these...

Goofy Faces!
...We have stayed such close friends! I know that whenever I need someone, I can turn to this group of girls. And if they keep if up, I will always have a ton of places to visit internationally! The two months I spent abroad were some of the best of my life, and I know that is largely due to the fine women I had surrounding me during that time. Each time I get the great opportunity to catch up with these ladies, I am continually amazed that the Lord brought us all together and I walk away inspired and encouraged. Thanks for everything ladies of ICS 05!

Nothin' like a "sunny" day on the Indian Ocean

Thursday, December 16, 2010

White Wedding

December 11th, 2010 was the date of two major events in MN: a blizzard and my brother's wedding. Not sure the bride and groom really wanted those two things to occur simultaneously, but nonetheless they did. I flew into MN around midnight Thursday night only to kick off wedding events just a few hours later. After a much needed trip to get manicures and pedicures, we were off for the rehearsal and the grooms dinner. Who knew walking down the isle would require so much practice?! It's probably for people like me who struggle with pacing and would just rather run down the isle. (slow learner, party of one!) So after some detailed instructions on when to pause, where to stand, where to look, when to fix the brides train, when to turn, when to walk off stage (without tripping on your dress) it was time to eat.

Under the overwhelming sense of excitement, there was a lingering sense of stress. A lot of people would be traveling a distance to get to the wedding and with the impending doom of a poorly timed MN blizzard, we were all left to pray and keep our fingers crossed that it wouldn't effect the "big day" too badly.

Next morning: we wake up to the fury that is mother nature. There is snow... everywhere. And the relentless wind -much like what it is in the mountains - comes at you horizontally. The morning includes a slow, white-knuckled drive to the hair salon (who cares that it was only a mile away; I forgot how to drive in that stuff) running through snow drifts higher than the protection of my newly purchased boots (darn it!) a momentary hiatus in the hairdressers chair getting a million bobby pins stuck into my head with an entire can of hairspray unloaded onto my product-free hair and then we are off to the church!  Beyond the shivers from the cold, smiles were in abundance. The bride was gorgeous. The groom was nervous. And then came the pictures...lots of pictures! But before you know it, we are getting set for kick off, no -go time, hmm... the big event?! Maybe.  The ceremony was personal and filled with laughter. A couple excited "I Do's" later and I have a new sister! Yippee!

The new Mr. and Mrs. :)
After braving a few pictures out in the snow (bad idea but at least the snow matched the wedding colors) we were off to the reception...a.k.a time to get our groove on! I don't think the bride ever left the dance floor!! All in all it was a great celebration. And even though the weather was horrible, so many people came to wish Trent and Liz well.

So here is to Trent and Liz: Trent, I am so happy for you! You found an incredible person to share life with. Love you. Liz, I knew before you and Trent started dating that someday you would be my sister. Thank you for loving my brother the way you do. You're incredible! :) Welcome to the family!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Going "Home"

I don't know what I think of when I talk about "home" anymore. Technically, I guess you could say that I'm "home" now being back in MN. I'm at the house I grew up in. I see all the marks on my bedroom door when I tried to figure out how tall I was when I was growing up. Under my bed there are three plastic storage bins filled with pictures, old homework assignments, all the articles from my hometown newspaper where I happened to be mentioned. I still know how to walk up the wooden stairs that lead up to my bedroom so that they won't make any noise and wake my parents up. Everything is just the same. But it feels so different. And I can't help but feel a little bit like a guest.

(when did the place I grew up in and considered home become just "my parent's place"?)

For the last four months, I have been calling Boone my home. Even though when I first moved down there I was dead set on just being in Boone long enough for school and when I was finished, I was headed back to MN to stay for good. At that time, MN was "home" and there wasn't anywhere else that could take that title. But now, something else has. And I am okay with that. Also, I know that a year and a half from now, I will be leaving the place I now call "home" and will be finding a new "home". With confidence I can say, I won't be coming back to MN. (hey with all the snow and freezing cold we have now, who would blame me?)The world is at my fingertips, I might as well go explore it. Here I come world! (said with a triumphantly raised fist) And...if my next home is half as great as my current home, well, then I am in for a treat! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MN. Minnesota is absolutely amazing during the summer. And if you happen to be obsessed with bodies of water like myself, MN is right up your alley.

But what I am finally realizing is that "home" isn't a specific place. Now...I'll stop myself from saying the whole "home is where the heart is" bit because I have never been too fond of throwing up in my mouth. However, I see the truth behind it.

The moments I feel most as home is when I am with the people I love the most. The people who challenge me to become a better person. The people who love me and my goofy self. The people who continually to reaffirm that I have some of the best friends in the world and that I am one truly blessed individual. People I love = home.

Which is probably why I have felt most at home in South Africa, Chicago and now Boone. (don't worry...MN makes the list, too!)

So in reality, home is where YOU are!

Artwork by: Valentina Ramos

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Warm Welcome

Tonight, I got to be the person running through the airport to give someone a hug. It has been over four months since I have been home and other than a few Skype calls with my parents and an impromptu flight out by the BFF, I haven't seen anyone from home. So when I saw my mom waiting over by baggage claim I couldn't help myself but run over to her! And then two other "bffls" (best friends for life) Jorgen and Kelly came to welcome me back to the land of frozen tundra as well! It was great! I had this goofy grin stuck on my face that wouldn't go away. Meh...whatever. I'm over it.

But the best part and one of the reasons why I love the airport so much was seeing a young man, dressed up in his service uniform walk toward baggage claim and then seeing his little brother with an adorable home-made sign run towards him and give him the biggest hug! PRECIOUS! There is nothing better than a warm welcome home! Speaking of is weird to be back in MN. Too many MN license plates here. Which yes, I know. I'm the person in Boone that will always point out when I see a MN license plate. But now there are just too many. I have lots of thoughts about this whole "home" thing. But we'll get to that later. Stay tuned.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Has Arrived

Not going to lie that I had high hopes that moving 20 hours south of Minnesota would mean that winter wouldn't last that long. Well right now it's not off to a promising start. Winter has officially arrived in Boone. There's snow. Lots of snow. And just because I grew up in Minnesota and can drive in this mess with the best of them does not mean that I am about to do cartwheels that it's here. It's cold! And the wind here blows horizontally. So that when you are walking around you can't make eye contact with the other poor individuals attempting to make their way across campus because the wind makes the snow pelt you in the eye. And when you walk outside, you have to look like this guy...

 Which, I think we can all agree on, is so cute! (hmm...) Not sure why the song "Fat man in a little coat" always goes through my head when I see this. But I suppose there are some great things that comes with the snow. It's an easy excuse to stay inside and watch movies. Lots of movies. Snow-angels. Simple yet fun. Sledding. Because who doesn't want to bring out their inner child and spend the afternoon sliding down hills! Snowball fights - sure, according to ASU rules I need your consent before I can unload on you, but I figure if you read this, you are giving me consent! And gosh darn it, it is the Christmas season and I haven't ever seen a Christmas where there wasn't snow. So while my apartment is about the average temperature of an igloo, I might as well get on the bandwagon and give three cheers to winter! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Then and Now

Fall semester has nearly come to an end and I am one week away from going back home to MN. Now that life has slowed down and I have time to breathe, it's interesting to look back on how I started the semester and where I am now. I got to ASU so excited about everything ahead of me, but also scared out of my mind! I remember being so overwhelmed during training, always wondering "how in the world am I going to be able to do this job?" I was so afraid of failing and not being able keep up with everything. I was the annoying first-year that wouldn't leave the second-years alone - always asking more questions than necessary. On top of that, I often questioned my place within the CSD program, feeling like I didn't have enough experience to dive into the Student Affairs profession and be successful.

And now four months later, I am finally starting to feel like I have something to give back. This semester I have had so many things take place that have caused me to learn more about myself and what I want to be about. I have also had the opportunities (by way of homework assignments) to reflect on experiences that have shaped who I am and the things I am most passionate about. And I am now to a point where I feel more confident in what I can give back and what kind of legacy I want to leave. I have seen how stubborn I can be when it comes to things I believe in. I have also seen that I am my own worst critic and am someone who will sacrifice many things for the benefit of others - sometimes to an unhealthy extent. I have learned that it's okay to not have the answers for everything and to just go with the flow. I have learned that I can't do everything myself (even though I try to) and asking for help does not mean I failed. I have learned that some of the most important lessons I will learn won't come from within the classroom but come from the amazing people I have been blessed to get to know. So much has happened and I'm only a quarter of the way through this whole crazy ride. Bumpy as it may be at times, I love it! And I am so thankful that I am here. While I am psyched about getting some time away, I am ready for the next chapter of this journey and look forward to the lessons I will be privileged to learn.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tis the Season

I decided to reward myself for finishing a final today with two things: Papa John's pizza and the purchasing of Christmas decorations. I have already been listening to Christmas music for the last week or so, but I figured it was time to step up my game and decorate my lonely, cinder-block wall apartment. So I went off to Wal-Mart with Andrew and Rory in tow in search of items that bring in holiday cheer! Twenty minutes and fifty dollars later and you get this...
hooray for pre-lit Christmas trees

got to have a picture of home :)
And with that, I think I'll pour myself a nice, warm cup of apple cider and watch It's a Wonderful Life for the second time week. Two more weeks and I'm off to Minnesota for Christmas break! Yippee!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Best Distractions

I am the lucky RD on Duty getting to stay on campus for Thanksgiving break. Three cheers for me...or not. I mean who wouldn't want to spend a holiday break on a deserted college campus? Sign me up! In reality, it's probably the best thing for me because I have more work than I can handle at the moment and this gives me plenty of time to work on everything. However, when you are one of the few people left on campus, it forces you to get pretty creative with the ways you entertain/distract yourself. Take for example tonight. My RA Danyelle and I were hanging out in the lobby, she was on duty and I was working on a never-ending theory paper. And the next thing you know we are having our own little dance party. Want to know a quick way to make a dance party for two more exciting? Dance by a mirror or a window. Suddenly a dance party of two turns into a dance party of four! Don't judge. The dance party then turned into me reliving my gymnastics day pretending that the tile floor was the beam. A few cartwheels and pulled muscles later, another dance party breaks out. This time we're dancing on the furniture. And then comes to music play list of all the best songs from the 90's. Tonight's jams were O-Town's "All or Nothing" Destiny's Child "Say My Name" and All Saints "Never Ever". And then finally the building of the fort. That one actually stalled out in the planning stages, but we still have four days left of break so I'm pretty confident we'll pull it off eventually! If anyone has any other brilliant ideas for distractions from work and boredom, please share!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm There Too

The song "I'm there too" by Michelle Featherstone has been something of an anthem to me for the last few weeks. It's one of those songs that as soon as it comes on, it makes you catch your breath and it gives you chills. I have been thinking a lot about the lyrics and what it means to be there for someone. In my life I have so many people who have come alongside me and have gone through life with me. And in return, they let me do life with them, which to me, is a huge honor. It's something of a comfort to know that you can turn to them on your worst day and in your worst moments and they'll be there, but that they can also come to you on their worst days and worst moments. But what I have found to be difficult is to have people in your life that you so desperately want to do life with. You want to be there in every single good time as well as the bad. But for some reason, they don't want to share life with you. Even worse, they don't want to share life with anyone. And that breaks my heart. And I guess I understand the mentality behind it all because I've tried to do life all on my own. But I couldn't do it.

There is something that happens when you become vulnerable and you let someone else in. And yes, it's scary as heck to have someone there seeing all your deepest darkest secrets and seeing the "you" you have been so afraid to show. And then they stay there with you and love you through all of it. And that's when you realize that you no longer want to do life on your own. And that having someone there who will stick by you through the good and the bad is the most special gift you could ever receive.

So to everyone who lets me live life with them and lives life with me...thank you.

Lyrics to "I'm There Too"

I see myself in you
In everything you do
And when you’re all alone at night
You know I am by your side
Cuz I’m there too

I see me in your eyes
And I’m the tears you cry
And when you fall apart
And are dying from a broken heart
I’m there too

I see your footsteps in the sand
As you journey on across this land
But if you should fall on your way
Then I will carry you that day
Cuz I’m there
I’m there too
Yeah I’m there too

I see your face in mine
And I know there’ll come a time
When you will take my hand
And I will understand
That you’re there too
When you will take my hand
And I will understand
That you’re there
You’re there too

Friday, November 19, 2010

Movie Viewing Experience

Last night was the opening of part one of the last Harry Potter movie. To say that it was one of the most interesting and entertaining movie viewing experience I have ever had would be an understatement. The buzz all day was whether or not we could still get tickets for the midnight showing. The large and classy Boone theater was already sold out so we were forced to look at theaters elsewhere. The resulting location: Lenoir, NC which was about 45 minutes down the mountain. By way of conversation with a few of my staff, we came to the conclusion that leaving around 9:15 was going to be a wise decision. We had pre-ordered our tickets but we didn't know if we were going to have to wait in a line to get them. And then our concern was about the masses all arriving early leaving us to the seats in the theater that are lowest on the totem pole. We thus left Boone shortly after 9pm to put us into Lenoir right around 10pm.

Our arrival into the city limits of Lenoir is when the story spices up. Driving down the road, we nearly missed the theater because of how run down it looks. The anticipate line we had suspected - non-existent. There were four cars in the parking lot and I am certain that three of them belonged to workers of the theater. The theater had a whopping 2 movie screens. Movies playing: Harry Potter and Megamind. Here's a quick glance at the theater and all its glory.
The waiting to get in the door turned into waiting within the comforts of our own car. Shortly after our arrival, four more ASU friends pull up right next to us. They were also in shock over the unique environment we would partake our movie viewing experience within. They confessed that they had in fact been calling this particular theater multiple times throughout the day to make sure they still had tickets. Apparently during their last phone call, when asking how many tickets were left, the lady shared that there were 400 tickets left. How they fit 400 people in that theater was beyond me. So we decided that at 10:45 we might as well head inside and scope out the best seats, not that we had any competition. (there were now only 7 cars in the parking lot) Tickets were only $5 so we loaded up on popcorn and soda and entered our names into a drawing where you can win a wand. Went and found some seats and the theater and decided to make our own fun while we waited an hour for the movie to start. We may have been some of the older people in the theater and I'm pretty sure we were the annoying people that everyone eventually wants to kill too. We found particular enjoyment in playing the trivia game prior to the previews with too much enthusiasm. My friend RJ felt the need to assist us in locating the exist in the movie theater multiple times. And then finally, Harry Potter 7 began with a grand total of 29 people in the theater. no joke. It was a pretty great flick. The darn snake made me jump too many times, but in general I really enjoyed it!I"ll probably go see it a few more times before it leaves theaters, especially if every viewing is as entertaining as this one! Now begins the 6 month wait for part 2!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Counting Down...

I have started the countdown until I get to return to the great state of... for three weeks! I have just over that amount of time until I will be arriving in beautiful Minneapolis! And I can't wait to see my family. To sit on the kitchen counter and talk to my Dad for hours. And maybe get a little horseback riding in with Mom. And to finally get to see my niece who I haven't seen for 4 months! I am so excited to spend sometime with my girls Jorgen and Liz. And to work on crossing off everything on our To-Do List with Sarah Dibbern. And I really can't wait to see my little puppy A.J. Isn't he cute?! All except when you leave for five months, that little puppy you left, turns into And I am for sure stopping at both of these locations multiple times!
So if you can't tell, I have a lot of great things to look forward to when I arrive in the land of 10,000 lakes including my brother's wedding! Yay Trent and Liz! So I just need to make it through one more paper, one more presentation, three more finals and I will be home! Minnesota, I'll see you soon(ish)!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Wow. Folks, it's my birthday. Which means year 26 has arrived. Unwelcomed mind you! (PS I'm not sure unwelcomed is a word) Anywho, might as well ring in year 26 on a positive note! Can't wait to see what this year has in store!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Good motto for life: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Matthew 7:12. One way I live this out, I buy people flowers. Why? Because I like being able to send them to people who may need some encouragement, for birthdays, to say CONGRATS or maybe for no reason at all! But I will come clean, I also send flowers because some day I hope to get them in return. Call me selfish. It's OK. I've come to terms with that. However, the times I have gotten flowers are very few and far between. Most of the flowers I have received in life have been from gymnastics meets and those days ended 8 years ago. But as of recent days, my luck in being the receiver of flowers has changed! VICTORY! The first may have been due to sudden hints to my Sr. RA Adam when I said in Harris Teeter (a grocery store for all you Minnesotans) "I always buy flowers for my friends with the hope that they will buy me flowers." Thus resulting in... "Aww...Thanks, Adam! You shouldn't have!!" :) And then today, I receive these... from mommy dearest by way of Leigh Carruth. Mom, this is the one and only time I am thankful you stalk people on Facebook...LOVE YOU! So for the moment, it appears the flower drought has ended! And with that I'm all smiles here!

Update: More flowers recently arrived! Man, I guess you just need to move 20 hours from home for people to finally send flowers! This particular arrangement I had to track down in the parking lot of Cafe Portofino here in Boone then brought them back to the tailgate I was at. Got some strange looks from drunken football fans. But, if anything it added some class to the tailgate! Thank you, Jorgen! The flowers are as fabulous as you are!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Loves from a Wanna-Be Dancer

I LOVE DANCING! I love watching it, I love doing it. I love it! There is something about the story and the emotions shared through the movements and music that often stop me in my tracks and take my breath away. I don't know how many times I have teared up due to the rawness and authenticity displayed through dance. For me, dance shares things that I wouldn't be able to share with words. Stories can be told about addiction, breast cancer, falling in love, falling out of love, the list continues. Note: I am in no way, shape, or form a trained dancer. This fact is something I give my mother a hard time about whenever I can because instead of dance classes, I was chasing my brothers around playing tee-ball and taking snowmobile lessons. Nonetheless, dance is still something that speaks to me in incredible ways. So here are the links to a few of my favorite dances, most of which were performed on So You Think You Can Dance! If you have the time to look them up, I encourage you to do so. They're pretty great!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Beautiful Mess

The month of chaos has finally hit. And while my to-do list is a monster the length of my body, here I am instead, blogging. Oh well, this helps clear my cluttered mind...even if only temporarily. Recently, well what am I talking about, this entire semester I have found myself in perma-stress. It's the technical term for being constantly stressed out. OK, no it's not, but for the moment it works. Every time I take time for myself, whether that's calling someone from back home, watching T.V, or even catching up on the oh-so elusive sleep my body continually craves, in the back of my mind is all the things that I need to get done. What e-mails do I need to send out (P.S. I just remembered an e-mail that needed to go out yesterday...darn it), what conversations do I need to have with my staff, what reading do I need to do, what paper still needs to get written, what project have I totally forget about, what meeting did I forget to put in my calendar, what program needs to get finalized, what questions did I need to remember to ask my supervisor, oh and my laundry!! And the moment I cross off one thing from my list, 5 more things are added. And the month of November is the epitome of madness. I mean check out what my living room looks like at the moment. Ahh! It stresses me out to even look at it now! However, even with my crazy schedule and monstrous to-do list, I often find myself so thankful that I am here getting to do and experience all this. So far it has been an experience that has helped me really reflect on who I am and who I want to be. In the few months I have been here, I have gone through things that really tested me and some experiences have darn well broke me! But even though my life at times seems like a hot mess, I am still able to find beauty within all of it. What more can I ask for?!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day Maker!

Sometimes the envy I feel for people's natural ability to be witty is beyond words. I just don't know how they do it, but I want that skill so badly. One such person is my cousin Kari. The things that come out of her mouth are some of the best things I have ever heard in my life! I feel like from the last 25 years of knowing her, I would have gained some of her gift, but no. My luck, it will take another 25 years. But today I got an e-mail from her tonight and the last line within the e-mail made me bust a gut. The line reads "May the fleas of a thousand camels infect the crotch of anyone who ruins your day!" LOL! Genius! Gosh, why did I think of that one?! What makes it even better is the visual I get in my head of that statement. All I see is man running away screaming as a swarm of fleas follows in fast pursuit! It brings me joy! That is the wit I desire of myself. But for now, I'll allow Kari's comedic genius to be the thing that makes my day!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Jenny in NC

It finally happened. I knew it would. It was just a matter of time. I got homesick. Well, to be totally honest, homesickness was just an addition to an already developing emotional breakdown. Nonetheless, I needed someone from home. I was tempted for a moment to fly home. After all, this past weekend, my mom's side of the family did celebrate Christmas. Yes. Christmas in October. Let's not dwell on that at the moment. But the thought of going home and having to be around so many people, sorry family - I do love you, would have been way too overwhelming, especially with the current state I'm in. So what did I do, I begged. Pleaded even. Until finally I found a taker on the offer of "Any MN friends want to come visit me in Boone for the weekend? I'll fly you down here! Not even kidding." I was able to fly one of my best friends, Jenny, down here for a measly 24 hours. And folks, let me tell you, those 24 hours were great! I needed them so badly. For the first time in a while, I finally felt like I wasn't 20 hours away from home. I had a person in my life I could just be myself with. It was fantastic! Just what the doctor ordered. My friends are so important to me. And I'm the type of person that only allows myself to get really close with a select few. And those friendships are ones I'll fight for. They are the ones I will pay $600 for them to come see me for 24 hours. And while friendships have their ups and downs too, I am certain those things can only bring people closer together in the end. So even though a breakdown had to occur for it to take place, Jenny I am so glad you came to Boone! Love you!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall in Boone

I had a feeling that when I moved down to Boone, NC that there would be times when I would find myself awestruck by the beauty around me. One such moment...Autumn! Last week, two of my friends, Emily and Eric, and I went up on the Blue Ridge Parkway to do some hiking at Rough Ridge. I had been up to Rough Ridge prior to this trip, but I was up there at night. Which, I must admit, was amazing! It was a great night with a great view and some great company. But this would be my first time taking on Rough Ridge during the day...let alone with some of the most amazing fall colors I have ever seen. When climbing up to the first overlook area, I was constantly wondering how I ever made it up those rocks at night, with flip flops, with a cell phone as my light, right after it rained and somehow survived. The trip up this time had some interesting entertainment. A family of four was doing some hiking too. The oldest child was a boy probably around the age of 5. At first, I thought he was a cool kid who wasn't afraid of anything. His excitement and curiosity was endearing Well, by the end of the hike, he became the topic of conversation between Emily, Eric and I and I would be lying if I said we all didn't entertain some thought of holding the kid off the edge of the cliff. Don't worry, we didn't act upon such thoughts...(unfortunately!). No, I'm kidding.
Something else we found hilarious...or maybe a little bit humiliating, was all the elderly couples we saw on the hike and how we felt we were way more winded than they were! Thankfully I was able to keep some of my pride intact as we didn't get lapped by any of them. All in all, it was a great time up on the Parkway. If this isn't the best marketing tool Appalachian State has to attract incoming students, I don't know what is. But I wanted to show you all some pictures so you can share in the beauty I have around me each and every day! If you get a chance, take a trip here in the fall. You won't regret it!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reasons why I'm here...

On nights like these, I am reminded of the reasons I came to ASU. I love working with students and there is nothing I enjoy more than doing life alongside of them; sharing in their joys as well as in their moments of pain. So when my lonely apartment can become an oasis for one of my students who needs a place to hide out, vent, cry or do nothing at all, that's when I know that I am in the right place.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lessons From Outside My Comfort Zone

I feel like since I have been here at AppState the most common questions I get asked are how did you hear about AppState and why did you choose AppState? To the first question, I have a refined-by-practice answer of "I looked up the program name and App was the first school that came up." For most people, that is a sufficient answer. But then there are the people that look for more, thus asking the second question. The answer to this question takes more time to process. Since graduating in 2006, my life has been pretty close to predictable. Sure there are always those curve balls that come out of no where and spice things up a bit. But for the most part, I went to the same job each day, spent time with the same friends, went out to the same places, and did all the same things. I had established myself in Minneapolis and life was comfortable. Each day I woke up with a sense of security. To most people, that is a great thing to have, especially right after graduating college. But to me, being comfortable was scary. I wanted to be pushed and to experience things that weren't a part of my daily life; things that made me look at the world in different ways. But since I knew very well that I could lead a comfortable life within the Twin Cities, seeking out the uncomfortable would probably be something I wouldn't choose to do there. So the options were to stay and settle for being comfortable or take a giant leap of faith and go somewhere new. I remember well the day I knew I was going to be taking this said leap of faith. I had just gotten back from spending the summer in Chicago with my job and I was actually scared to go back to Minnesota. I was spending the last night with my staff and out of nowhere I got this strange feeling that things were going to be changing, and soon. It wasn't just a random thought or the idea of what could be, it was a physical feeling of change. My best friend Jorgen was there and I remember saying to her "I feel like something is going to change and it's going to be something that takes me in an entirely different direction. And it's going to be soon." It was the very next day that I found Appstate online. The reason I wanted to go to some obscure school in the mountains of North Carolina was to get out of my comfort zone. At my undergrad, I had been around people who looked and thought like me. I wanted change. I wanted to go to a place where I didn't know a soul and had to really discover who I was as a person. I even went so far as to leave my car back in MN because I saw it as something I could use as an escape mechanism and a place of familiarity and comfort. I left it all behind with hopes of being stretched. Well, I have now been down here for over two months and I can tell you that I have been outside my comfort zone more than I would like. There often have been times when I long for the old monotony of back home just because I knew who I was within it. I knew what to expect of my friends and myself. Within that setting I was confident in my identity. But here, I am constantly finding myself in a sea of uncertainty. Out of nowhere I found myself living in a place completely foreign, working as a Resident Director of a building of 300 freshmen when I have had zero housing experience before, back in school for the first time in 4 years, and let's top it off by starting my first ever dating relationship. The latter being the one thing I swore I would not do during my time here. And Lord knows I tried to fight it, but nonetheless, it started and it was great! So take all that and you have one very uncomfortable person. As time has gone on, one would think a certain level of comfort would be established. But here comes another curve ball and the relationship is over before it ever really got off the ground. When that fell apart, it felt as though everything else did too. Everything was out of my control and I didn't like it. But, yes finally, the but we've (or at least I) have been waiting for. I have learned so many incredible things while being constantly uncomfortable. I have had time to process life and the certain traumatic events that have come to shape my life. I have gotten the opportunities to meet and share life with people one could only hope for. I have been given the chance to really define who I am and what I want to be about. I've learned that being comfortable isn't always right and in more cases than not, it's not allowing you to be the person you're meant to be. I do believe that with great risk comes great reward. And even now, while still in a permanent state of unknown, I am so glad I took that risk and didn't settle for being comfortable. Maybe you should try it too.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Distance Ain't No Thang

I just wanted to write and say how I love it that it doesn't matter that my friends are 20+ hours away from where I am, they are always here for me no matter what. I am so thankful for them and cannot begin to share the ways they have blessed my life! Jorgen, thank you for continuing to text me about when there is a mouse in your house and for sending me videos of Kelly attempting to Salsa dance! The adventure of you two living together always brings a smile to my face! Jenny, thank you for continuing to share your life with me and for letting me share mine with you as though you were right next to me. Keep the poetry coming. I think you're on to something there! Sarah, if I could witness you falling off your chair every time we talked on Skype, I would have a very happy life! Your sense of humor helps me detox from all the craziness in my life. Leigh, you're only more than 20+ hours away for the moment, but I still really appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to my novels via the ever so small screen of a blackberry.What a gem you are! Jacquie, even though we are both insanely busy, I know that if I needed you, you'd be there. I really hope that road trip from Iowa to Boone happens. North Carolina would look good on you! So to all of you fine people, while in distance we may be far away, know that all of you are near and dear to my heart!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Someday...I will understand the reason why certain things happen.
Someday...I will understand why things don't always go the way you want them to.
Someday... I will be aware of the lessons I learned throughout this experience.
Someday...I will be thankful for how things turned out.
Someday...someone will choose me.
Someday...He'll say it, and he'll mean it.
Someday...I'll actually get to believe it.
Someday...these tears will be tears of joy.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I am overwhelmed. And this time, it isn't caused by students, school or work items. I am overwhelmed by people. I am overwhelmed by how blessed I am by people I have known for just two months. People who do not owe me a thing and have already given me more than I could ever ask for. Some of the people that I have met here, I can already tell you for sure that they will be very important people to me for the rest of my life. Everyday I am blown away by their kindness and generous spirits. They are the people I strive to be more like. I can only hope that someday I can be as much of a blessing to them as they have been to me. So to James, Andrew, Leigh, Adam, all my RA's and the other RD's...thank you! I cannot put into words how thankful I am to have you now apart of my life!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Roll Tide Roll

Last weekend, I had the awesome opportunity to drive down to Alabama with another grad student, Courtney, to watch an Alabama football game. Let me tell you, that type of experience can and should make anyone love football! Campus is crazy.
Everyone is happy because football is officially starting. You are among a sea of red. Roll Tide takes over as the formal greeting in the state. Tailgating begins bright and early in the morning and goes all night long. Free food. Lots of entertainment. You can dance with random strangers to the Cupid Shuffle. Oh and the football isn't that bad too! All in all, the game was well worth the 16 hours in a car. Plus I got to go to target and eat chipotle, so really it was a very valuable and life-giving trip for me. But from now on, I may be a little bias towards the crimson tide! Once a Bama fan, always a Bama fan! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to the Books

Well I am now officially a grad student. It's a little odd being back in a classroom setting and attempting homework again for the first time in four years is kind of a joke! But here I am, over a week into my first semester at Appalachian State University where I am going to get my MA in College Student Development. For those of you who have zero idea on what that is or why there is even a Masters Program for it. The program is training me to be a Student Affairs Professional. On any college campus there are certain students needs outside of the classroom that need to be met, people in my field take care of these things. We can hold many different jobs on campus, whether it is working in the Residence Halls like I am currently, putting on campus events, advising student groups such as athletic clubs, Greek life or musical groups.You can also work in financial aid or admissions and all the way up to being the Dean of Students on campus. So while all these things have very different job functions, they all are focusing on developing students and engaging them in their college experience. That is what I'm wanting to do. Ok, so now you got the background on things. Let me tell you how nervous I was to go to my first day of class. I was asking my friends ridiculous questions like "do grad students carry a backpack?" "what kind of things do I need to bring?" and most importantly "what should I wear?" Well I've made it through the first week and I am starting to feel a little more comfortable, at least attire wise. However, I am finding that in grad school...they make you read a ton. And reading takes a lot of time. And time is something that I don't really have. I have to schedule time to see friends. Even when I do that, I will have to go deal with a weed incident in my building which takes up an hour of my time that was supposed to be dedicated to something else! But even with the craziness of my life and the constant feeling of being overwhelmed and 5 steps behind, I really love being back at school. I love the college setting so much! I feel at home here and I think that's a great feeling to have, especially since home is 20 hours away! Well I have spent enough time here. Must get back to the books!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How I Know I'm In The South...

Here are just a few quick things that remind me...nearly daily...that I am in the south.

1. You don't get into a car accident, you get into a wreck.
2. Living on the side of a mountain and having a deer trail for a drive way is normal.
3. Two drinks are served at meals...water and sweet tea.
4. There are restaurants here named Bojangles.
5. Riding around in the back of a truck is perfectly fine and normal. I personally have ridden in the back of a truck more times in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last 15 years.
6. If you say "bag" in a northern accent, people will make you say it again and wonder where you are from.
7. People are shocked when you have never eaten at a Chic-fil-a.
8. Caribou is non-existent and Target is over 2 hours away

Now these are just a few small things that remind me that I am a very long ways from MN. While I love it here, I look forward to the day I get to be back in the Midwest. I miss seeing the sunset and chipotle. But for now, I will gladly enjoy my time in the south with all its quirks!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

And So It Begins!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of RA training - GET EXCITED!! (ASU's University Housing Catch Phrase) What it basically means is that for the next two weeks my life is owned! Most days run from 8am until 10pm at night, with a few breaks in the evening. It will be a little nuts but I'm actually really looking forward to it. My RA's have started moving in and I have met all but one. They are great so far and we spent a couple hours tonight just hanging out and getting to know each other. Being with them is so refreshing (I think that statement clearly moves me from being an introvert to an extrovert). When I get to spend time with them and have fun with them, that is when I am reminded that this is what I love doing! I told my best friend once that when I work with college students I feel I am the closest to being who the Lord wants me to be and doing what He wants me to do. And, let me tell you, that is a great feeling! I will probably intentionally work myself to the bone just so I can be the best supervisor I can be for them, and I will probably be totally ok with that! I'm just so thankful to be here and to get this chance to do this as my job! I know I have a lot to learn and I will probably make some mistakes throughout all of this. But I'm just so thrilled for this growing opportunity, especially since it's something I am so passionate about!

Pray that I will be able to establish healthy boundaries with my staff and for myself. Also pray for team dynamics and that I will be observant these next few days to see how the staff are meshing and working together.

Thanks all! Love you!

Monday, August 2, 2010

First Week in Boone

Well, I have now been down here in Boone for a little over a week and things are going pretty well. We started training last week on Monday and let me tell you, I have been over-whelmed for about 75% of the time. I think my biggest struggle with being trained on how to be a Resident Director is my lack of context for the position. I am not familiar with the culture of Residence Life so when they are talking to me about hall programming, hall council, RA Duty, RD Duty, and all the other million things that are involved, I haven't had experience with this before so I have no frame of reference. Which is in some ways good because I don't know what I don't know - and that keeps me from becoming too overwhelmed. Also while in the midst of training I often forget that being an RD isn't the real reason why I moved to Boone. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am actually here for grad school! Oh gosh...I just got overwhelmed! Add that on top of being in charge of 8 RA's and 300 co-ed freshman residents! WOOF! But now the 2nd year GA's have arrived and they have been such a blessing. One of them was just at my place and I was able to ask any and every question possible. It's so great to get their perspective and they are all so encouraging that each day I feel more and more equipped to take on this giant task in front of me. RA's start moving in soon, and I still have a lot of work to get done before they arrive. But I'm just trusting that the Lord is going to help me in those situations where I am completely at a loss. I have already experienced His blessings and faithfulness and with that I am finding myself completely at peace with where I am. I know that I am supposed to be here and only here for this time. Which is such a great feeling to have! I ask that you please pray for me as I still have a lot to learn and will be learning throughout the entire year. Pray that I will not doubt the gifts and abilities the Lord has given me and that I will place my confidence in Him!

In other news, favorite moment of last week was going to Boone UMC with my supervisor Sarah. The first thing I noticed was that there was 2 guitars, a mandolin and a banjo! Of course, why wouldn't they have a banjo apart of worship?! And then they started singing and wow, it was so twangy! I had to fight back laughter throughout all of worship. I couldn't help but thinking "Yes, this is where I live now. Boone, NC. Awesome!"

Well, that's the update for now! Hope you all are well!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I have arrived in Boone!

The time has finally arrived and I am now in Boone North Carolina! Woot Woot! Yeah, I wasn't so excited to come here the last couple months. I was really worried about entering into something that I was so completely unfamiliar with. But I knew once I got down here that things would just click and I would be reminded of why I first fell in love with this place! So Boone in July is gorgeous! The hills are incredible and campus is stunning. I definitely moved to a beautiful spot! The hall that I live in is called Coltrane Hall. It's over in Stadium village on campus so I have a nice short walk to this fall's upcoming football games! I think I have more space here than I have in any of my living situations over the past 6 years.

I mean, I have a closet just for my shoes. And I don't have that many shoes so I may need to work on filling that space a little better...with more shoes of course! My kitchen is huge and completely void of food and other vital kitchen necessities.

My bathroom, again twice the size of the one I just left! My bedroom is great..minus the fact that there is zero air conditioning! However my bed is 4 ft off the ground and I fear that one day I am going to take an accidental roll the wrong way and real do myself in. And, there are these horrible corners that the mattress leaves exposed. I know one day my knee and one of those dreadful corners are going to have a very painful meeting! Tomorrow I start training, bright and early at 8am! Hooray! I'm really ready just to get started and meet some people so I don't just sit up in my room by myself any longer! I am so excited to see what all takes place on this crazy journey! I know I am going to learn a lot and be stretched a lot! Bring it on! I'm ready for it!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm Not Ready To Leave

It's less than a month away until I move to North Carolina for Grad school and I have noticed this internal emotional battle going on within myself. I know that I am supposed to go to North Carolina. I have never felt so sure of something and am very confident that this is where the Lord wants me for the next two years. That assurance has been an incredible comfort to me as I push forward to prepare for the next step in my journey. However, as time is slowly slipping away, I find myself becoming more and more anxious about leaving. I struggle deeply with feeling that I am abandoning people here at home. I know that isn't true and that my dearest friends do not feel that way at all, but I do. And it breaks my heart! I have the most incredible friends and I would not be who I am today without them. And as I get closer to packing up my life and moving it half way across the country, I feel so selfish for leaving them! It scares me that I won't be able to be for them as much as I want to be over the next two years.

On top of that, a couple weeks ago I got to spend a week with a team from SportsLife and just fell in love with them! They are so stinking awesome and I treasure each moment I get to spend with them! And now what do I get to do, leave them. "Hi, I'm Jacki. Let's be really good friends. But only for the next month because I'm getting out of dodge for the next two years." I wish that I could physically have these incredible people in my life for so much longer. And the thought of having to say goodbye to them so quickly makes me really dread going to North Carolina. I can only imagine how I am going to feel as July 22nd draws nearer. But for now, I must not worry about what happens when I'm gone, but really enjoy each blessed moment I have with the people I care most deeply about.

Monday, June 7, 2010

SLC Is In My Veins

For the last three years, there has been something in my life that has caused me an incredible amount of joy, it has helped me grow as a person, it has challenged me to the point of breaking, and it has seeped into my pours and has become a part of who I am. I am sitting here at the SportsLife Camp training for this year, and I feel at home. The sounds, the movement, the language and even the smells are all so familiar and are things that pour out of me naturally. I love it. But I am on the verge of experiencing my first summer in a few years not doing SLC all summer long. And I'm ready for it, I think. But when I'm here, when I meet the staff and I know what is a head of them. I miss it. And I wish I could be doing it too. I wish I got to be in on all the stories they will be sharing throughout the summer. I wish I could be at camp hanging out with all the crazy kids. But that isn't in the cards for me this year. It's suppose to be this way, but part of me wishes it wasn't so. It's hard to walk away from something that has really shaped who you are and then turn from that to something COMPLETELY unfamiliar! It's time for something new and I'm really excited about! And I know that I can enter into this unfamiliar territory with confidence because my time with SLC has prepared me for it! I think no matter how long I am away from SLC it will always be a part of me. It runs through my blood. I. AM. SLC. And proud to have it that way!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Great YouthWorks Moment

Friends, I want to share with you a little about where I was last week and the great things I experienced and learned from my time away. A couple weekends ago marked the beginning of YouthWorks staff training - called RAMP, and I was headed to Philly to help out! Getting out of the office for a few days was needed desperately and I was excited to get a better look at what a YouthWorks summer was all about. Four of us, Jake, Sam, Kirstie and I headed to the airport at 5am to start the journey over to Pennsylvania. Thinking the airport would be a ghost town at such a time of day, we found ourselves mistaken as we waited in a security line for over a half hour. Loved it. The one thing that kept us moving forward was the hope of getting some great pastries and coffee at French Meadow Bakery. Friends, it was worth the wait! The flight was a great one as I got to sit by a dad with his young son - probably around the age of 5. From the moment I sat down, he was talking my ear off. "Hi! I'm Gavin!I have Toy Story boots on. My grandma got them for me...". And thus continued the conversation. Thankfully, both Gavin and I fell asleep for a majority of the flight. Then I woke up to Gavin grabbing my shoulder and looking at me with such honesty and saying " I love you!" His Dad then inserts that he just met me and he doesn't even know my name. Sounds like the making of a country song to me! Finally we touched down in Philly. We had to wait a little bit to get picked up, and while we were waiting connected up with two great friends Josh and Molly! Soon we see the "Family Vehicle" pull up which was the glorious 15 passenger van! First stop for the crew was to pick up the van that were in storage. Which took us to a rather interesting place within Philly. Later on in the week I found out that this part of Philly is the southwest side and is considered the "Dead Zone" by the police. Awesome. Then after making the 20 minute drive in a lovely brown astro van into Wilmington Delaware, we were given our next task. Little did I know what I was walking into. I have hear rumors about YouthWorks grocery shopping trips, but I never could have accurately imagined what it is truly like. 3 vans and 5 people headed to Costco to tackle the job of getting food for over 90 people for the week. No small task. Friends, when you have to huddle up before entering the store to discuss strategy, you know you are in for an interesting shopping experience! Kelly Daniels and I took off to grab produce, bread, and freezer items. Each grabbing a cart but soon ditching them for two larger flat beads. At this moment I am feeling very uncomfortable in my driving capabilities of this beast of a cart while the rest of the crew has done this many times before and this feels entirely normal. Yeah of course. What isn't normal about filling up 2 flat beads and 4 carts FULL of food? 316 items and $2,000+ in groceries later we slowly filed out of the store. Not without getting some of the strangest looks and comments about the amount of food we were purchasing. Believe me people, I am in shock too! But while refraining from being completely overwhelmed, I decided the best thing to do in this situation is just laugh! Somehow the craziness of that experience just brought me a ton of joy! This was just the start of some more great YouthWorks firsts. I loved being at RAMP, even though I was only for just a short time. I loved being able to meet the staff that are going out and serving this summer in 18 different communities. Even doing random duties such as making signs or driving staff to take a much needed shower, my time there brought me life! I had a pulse again and it reminded me that it is so important to do something that brings you life. So while others who have had many more intimate experiences with YouthWork RAMP may take a different view to the week, I am very thankful for the time I had away! Oh to breathe again!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle!

What could the band Guns N' Roses possibly be singing about in their 1987 hit song "Welcome to the Jungle"? Well friends, wouldn't you know that I know the answer to that particular question. Want to know? They are talking about, none other, but our lawn! NO JOKE! I'm not even sure there are words that can fully describe the scene that lays just beyond my window. We currently have dandelions that have grown to the height of the great Red Woods in California. The black plague of crab grass has spread to lengths beyond repair. We have a little flower bed up in the front part of our lawn which is overflowing with every type of weed imaginable. My roommate Jenny caved and started the endless task of pulling up the plethora of weeds, only to find a solo tulip struggling to hold on to life. One can only be led to think of what other helpless beauties are being suffocated within! Every day when pulling into our drive way, I just pray that our neighbors aren't out on their back porch. It is becoming too painful for me to acknowledge that each day our lawn is bringing down the value of their property. I hide within the walls of our house so I won't have to be confronted with the truth that our lawn is a hot mess. I suppose the one positive side to this whole fiasco is that we have created quite a rustic haven for all the neighborhood rabbits. I guess the only thing I can do now is to wait and hope for the day when I hear the necessary purr of a newly purchased lawn mower. That day cannot come soon enough! Discriminating photos to come.

To Tweet or not to Tweet?

So I have been wrestling around with the idea of joining Twitter. Is it a dumb name? Yes. And do I feel slightly embarrassed to be "tweeting" as an adult? Maybe just a little. But then there are other reasons for joining that go beyond the obvious shortcomings in its name, such as my best friend refuses to join facebook and has developed a full fledged addiction to this whole Twitter thing. If I am moving half way across the country, I need to stay connected to her somehow, right?! But if I become as pathetically consumed as she is(love you Jorgen!) would that really be a healthy addition to my life? Sure, I could follow Kim Kardashian if I really wanted to. Yet again, healthy addition? Probably not. I don't know. Maybe someone can sway me to convert to the dark side and do as they say in the song "Rockin' Robin"...Tweet Tweet!