Thursday, November 25, 2010

Best Distractions

I am the lucky RD on Duty getting to stay on campus for Thanksgiving break. Three cheers for me...or not. I mean who wouldn't want to spend a holiday break on a deserted college campus? Sign me up! In reality, it's probably the best thing for me because I have more work than I can handle at the moment and this gives me plenty of time to work on everything. However, when you are one of the few people left on campus, it forces you to get pretty creative with the ways you entertain/distract yourself. Take for example tonight. My RA Danyelle and I were hanging out in the lobby, she was on duty and I was working on a never-ending theory paper. And the next thing you know we are having our own little dance party. Want to know a quick way to make a dance party for two more exciting? Dance by a mirror or a window. Suddenly a dance party of two turns into a dance party of four! Don't judge. The dance party then turned into me reliving my gymnastics day pretending that the tile floor was the beam. A few cartwheels and pulled muscles later, another dance party breaks out. This time we're dancing on the furniture. And then comes to music play list of all the best songs from the 90's. Tonight's jams were O-Town's "All or Nothing" Destiny's Child "Say My Name" and All Saints "Never Ever". And then finally the building of the fort. That one actually stalled out in the planning stages, but we still have four days left of break so I'm pretty confident we'll pull it off eventually! If anyone has any other brilliant ideas for distractions from work and boredom, please share!

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