Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Has Arrived

Not going to lie that I had high hopes that moving 20 hours south of Minnesota would mean that winter wouldn't last that long. Well right now it's not off to a promising start. Winter has officially arrived in Boone. There's snow. Lots of snow. And just because I grew up in Minnesota and can drive in this mess with the best of them does not mean that I am about to do cartwheels that it's here. It's cold! And the wind here blows horizontally. So that when you are walking around you can't make eye contact with the other poor individuals attempting to make their way across campus because the wind makes the snow pelt you in the eye. And when you walk outside, you have to look like this guy...

 Which, I think we can all agree on, is so cute! (hmm...) Not sure why the song "Fat man in a little coat" always goes through my head when I see this. But I suppose there are some great things that comes with the snow. It's an easy excuse to stay inside and watch movies. Lots of movies. Snow-angels. Simple yet fun. Sledding. Because who doesn't want to bring out their inner child and spend the afternoon sliding down hills! Snowball fights - sure, according to ASU rules I need your consent before I can unload on you, but I figure if you read this, you are giving me consent! And gosh darn it, it is the Christmas season and I haven't ever seen a Christmas where there wasn't snow. So while my apartment is about the average temperature of an igloo, I might as well get on the bandwagon and give three cheers to winter! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

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