Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Tweet or not to Tweet?

So I have been wrestling around with the idea of joining Twitter. Is it a dumb name? Yes. And do I feel slightly embarrassed to be "tweeting" as an adult? Maybe just a little. But then there are other reasons for joining that go beyond the obvious shortcomings in its name, such as my best friend refuses to join facebook and has developed a full fledged addiction to this whole Twitter thing. If I am moving half way across the country, I need to stay connected to her somehow, right?! But if I become as pathetically consumed as she is(love you Jorgen!) would that really be a healthy addition to my life? Sure, I could follow Kim Kardashian if I really wanted to. Yet again, healthy addition? Probably not. I don't know. Maybe someone can sway me to convert to the dark side and do as they say in the song "Rockin' Robin"...Tweet Tweet!

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