Thursday, December 2, 2010

Then and Now

Fall semester has nearly come to an end and I am one week away from going back home to MN. Now that life has slowed down and I have time to breathe, it's interesting to look back on how I started the semester and where I am now. I got to ASU so excited about everything ahead of me, but also scared out of my mind! I remember being so overwhelmed during training, always wondering "how in the world am I going to be able to do this job?" I was so afraid of failing and not being able keep up with everything. I was the annoying first-year that wouldn't leave the second-years alone - always asking more questions than necessary. On top of that, I often questioned my place within the CSD program, feeling like I didn't have enough experience to dive into the Student Affairs profession and be successful.

And now four months later, I am finally starting to feel like I have something to give back. This semester I have had so many things take place that have caused me to learn more about myself and what I want to be about. I have also had the opportunities (by way of homework assignments) to reflect on experiences that have shaped who I am and the things I am most passionate about. And I am now to a point where I feel more confident in what I can give back and what kind of legacy I want to leave. I have seen how stubborn I can be when it comes to things I believe in. I have also seen that I am my own worst critic and am someone who will sacrifice many things for the benefit of others - sometimes to an unhealthy extent. I have learned that it's okay to not have the answers for everything and to just go with the flow. I have learned that I can't do everything myself (even though I try to) and asking for help does not mean I failed. I have learned that some of the most important lessons I will learn won't come from within the classroom but come from the amazing people I have been blessed to get to know. So much has happened and I'm only a quarter of the way through this whole crazy ride. Bumpy as it may be at times, I love it! And I am so thankful that I am here. While I am psyched about getting some time away, I am ready for the next chapter of this journey and look forward to the lessons I will be privileged to learn.

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