Sunday, August 8, 2010

And So It Begins!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of RA training - GET EXCITED!! (ASU's University Housing Catch Phrase) What it basically means is that for the next two weeks my life is owned! Most days run from 8am until 10pm at night, with a few breaks in the evening. It will be a little nuts but I'm actually really looking forward to it. My RA's have started moving in and I have met all but one. They are great so far and we spent a couple hours tonight just hanging out and getting to know each other. Being with them is so refreshing (I think that statement clearly moves me from being an introvert to an extrovert). When I get to spend time with them and have fun with them, that is when I am reminded that this is what I love doing! I told my best friend once that when I work with college students I feel I am the closest to being who the Lord wants me to be and doing what He wants me to do. And, let me tell you, that is a great feeling! I will probably intentionally work myself to the bone just so I can be the best supervisor I can be for them, and I will probably be totally ok with that! I'm just so thankful to be here and to get this chance to do this as my job! I know I have a lot to learn and I will probably make some mistakes throughout all of this. But I'm just so thrilled for this growing opportunity, especially since it's something I am so passionate about!

Pray that I will be able to establish healthy boundaries with my staff and for myself. Also pray for team dynamics and that I will be observant these next few days to see how the staff are meshing and working together.

Thanks all! Love you!

1 comment:

  1. If you change from an introvert to an extrovert, choas may break out! Just kidding. Have fun!
