Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lock Picks and Jimmy Rigs

I believe that the events of tonight are probably going to end up being some of my favorite memories of grad school. The story begins when I decide to move from my usual working place of my RA office to my RD office. I don't ever use this office because I highly dislike the location and the way the office is arranged. But tonight for some unknown reason, I decided to give working from that space a go. Big mistake. I stepped out of my RD office to go grab some information out of a different office, but then realized that I needed my keys to access such information. When I went back to get my keys from my RD office I saw that the door was now closed and, to my dismay, was also locked!! Which wouldn't be a big deal if I had a spare or if the master key that can get into every other room in this 9 story building would work on this door. But no, this door has to be special. LAME! It also wouldn't be much of a dilemma if I wasn't currently the RD on Duty for the West Side of campus and all the keys I need for such a position are safely locked behind aforementioned special door. Double Lame!

One of my staff members trying to console my immediately produced anxiety offers me pizza. (thanks Brian) And then one resident comes down to visit and thus becomes the recipient of my retelling of this tragic tale. I beg, plead even, for her to attempt to pick the lock, which she claims she has done successfully before. While she is shoving and twisting bobby pins into the lock on my door, a group of boys from the 5th floor come down with tools in hand. Realizing that this special door wasn't going to be as easy to access as they hoped, they proceed to thinking of clever and inventive ways to get inside my RD chambers. With the right amount of man power and a little jimmy rigging they were certain they could get through my 2nd story outside window. Hoping to preserve them from any unnecessary injury a fellow RD Shane (MY HERO) recommends calling ASU police to see if they have a key for the door. Swallowing my shame I make the call. Hope has arrived! They say they can get into my door! While waiting for my rescuer, a larger mass of people come down to assess the scene. And then the officer arrives. With a lingering sense of doubt I see him fiddle around with his set of keys, and then........VICTORY!! The door opens! I jump for joy and have to seriously restrain myself from hugging the officer! I run into my office, pull out my massive set of keys, and place them securely around my neck! While glad I now have my keys safely in hand, the 5th floor boys walk away disappointed that they didn't have a chance to execute their master plan. I appreciate the support boys!  Tonight will probably be the last night I use my RD office for the semester. And therein lies the end of my tale. Never a dull moment!

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