Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ramblings of an Insomniac

I am horrible at sleeping. Really. Truly horrible. It doesn't make my top five talents list. Or even the top twenty talents list for that matter. And it's not just at night when I can't sleep, it's anytime, anywhere. I'm the person who stares at the people sleeping on planes because I'm so jealous they are gifted enough to fall asleep. I attempt to produce sleep by taking sleep aids. Except while other normal people would experience the benefits of such elixirs and fall into a deep slumber, I on the other hand, lay awake feeling as though my body has been hit by a Mack truck and looking like a hot mess, a drugged hot mess! Not cool.

In all honesty, I guess I am what you would call a "night person". But this goes beyond my preference for time of day. This is an issue. Night after night I find myself laying in bed, exhausted but unable to sleep. It could be related to the fact that my brain never shuts down and my mind is constantly bombarded with ceaseless thoughts! I'm just constantly thinking, thinking, thinking. Sometimes about the most peculiar things!

However, during my moments of insomnia is when I usually come up with my best ideas for papers, presentations, and speeches. It also seems to be the time when I remember more items that need to be added to my To-Do list. And if I put my inability to sleep to use, I can actually get a lot done during the wee morning hours. Which is now probably why I sleep with my computer in bed each night. Pathetic party of one!

But until I some how develop a sudden talent for sleeping, I guess it's back to the traditional methods of curing my insomnia. Bring on the sheep.
Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you. I go to bed and my brain starts going faster! Bad brain.

    I'm going to bed now.
