Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Evenings in the Life of a Grad Student

Warning: don't expect the tales of how I spend my Saturday evenings while in grad school to be wild adventures. Must I remind you that I live in Boone. This particular Saturday was spent mostly in the company of the vast array of literature and texts that could be found in Belk library here at ASU. Six hours mind you. (What a rebel I am) Then it was off to the office to work on some things for an upcoming project and for staff appreciation day taking place this next Wednesday. By 8pm I am finally  making my way back to my apartment with the anticipation of again finding myself drowning in a sea of reading for research and making poor attempts to write a brief on the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. (I can tell that you are already jealous of the evening's events)

However; to my complete delight and surprise, I come across my favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice on t.v. and thus find my itinerary for the evening altered. What is even better is discovering that my best friend, Jorgen and my mother are watching it back in MN as well. I plead with Jorgen to make sure that I never end up with a man similar in stature and personality to that of Mr. Collins. And I press my mother to a.)purchase said movie for me for a Valentine's Day gift and b.) to ensure that my dad learns a particular speech present within the move. With the finale of the movie, instead of returning to my previous plan for the evening, I instead choose to watch another version of the same movie. I will admit that I have a slight addiction to Jane Austen and her stories. And with a small glass of wine and the likes of Mr. Darcy, I spend this Saturday evening, quite content! For your viewing pleasure, one of my favorite scenes from Pride and Prejudice (one E likes to cut out - curses!) Enjoy!

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